Ji9saw Design PowerPoint Infographic

Beautiful Dashboard Design: Weather


This live data dashboard allows you to search for the current weather of any city in the world. Simply key in a city in the search box and press “enter”. Plan your day quickly with this dashboard!

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. – Napoleon Hill


Nice Dashboard Features

  • Search for any city for the current weather.
  • Animated text and weather icons.
  • The background changes according to the time of the day.

Easy to Deploy on Existing WordPress

This live data dashboard was built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can be easily deployed on a standard WordPress website. The key benefit is you don’t need a custom-built website in order to have such web applications. It can be built on existing WordPress sites. This approach allows unlimited digital possibilities for a WordPress site while keeping it simple to maintain for WordPress website owners.

Click here to copy and paste the code into a standard WordPress “Custom HTML widget”.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Credits: I used some beautiful wallpapers from Olly Moss.

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Hello I'm Derek Leong

Hello I'm Derek Leong

I create websites, PowerPoint presentations and ebooks. I love vintage art, graphic design, cats and have an unhealthy fascination with occult topics. My skills include WordPress, Elementor, Javascript, Blender & VBA programming.

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